Latest Episodes

JRS105 Spartaque
The 105th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Spartaque from Ukraine. Vitaliy Babiy aka Spartaque is one the leading new generation Techno DJ/Producers in...

JRS104 T78
The 104th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes 2020 with T78 from Italy. Manuel Tessarollo aka T78 reflects the real underground side of Techno...

JRS103 David Temessi
The 103th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes David Temessi from Hungary. One the upcoming producers of the current Techno Scene, David Temessi has...

JRS102 Noir
The 102th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Noir from Denmark. René Kristensen aka Noir is one the forefronters of the current Techno Scene...

JRS101 Thomas Hoffknecht
The 101th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Thomas Hoffknecht from Berlin. He is one the new comers of the current Techno Scene and...

JRS100 Carl Cox
The 100th Milestone episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes The Legend Carl Cox. The man himself spent 35 years on the top of Techno...