Latest Episodes

JRS099 Tensal
The 99th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Tensal from Spain. With a musical career spanning over twenty years and more than one hundred...

JRS098 Andre Crom
The 98th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Andre Crom from Germany. Andre Crom is an experienced Berliner DJ & music producer.

JRS097 Fabio Neural
The 97th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Fabio Neural from Italy. Fabio Neural is an Italian DJ and music producer that has personally...

JRS096 Karotte
The 96th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Karotte from Germany. One the veterans of the Techno Scene, Karotte started his DJing career in...

JRS095 Dax J
The 95th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Dax J from UK. Dax J is a London born, Berlin based artist and the quintessential...

JRS094 Boris
The 94th episode of Jeton Records Radioshow welcomes Boris from New York. Labelhead of Transmit Records, Boris originally from Russia is on the scene...